2. Initial construction site servicing and utility cost for the new proposed Celestial Beacon are included in the Building costs shown in the financial matters section of the report.

3. Technical Considerations

Technical considerations relates to both soil conditions and archeological considerations. CT Soil & Materials Engineering Inc. completed a geotechnical investigation report for the proposed pavement reconstruction and new Celestial Beacon at the Riverfront and Askin Avenue. Twenty test holes and pits in different locations and depths were taken within the area of the proposed building and pavement location.

A complete stage 1 and 2 archaeological assessment was prepared for the site area in advance of proposed improvements to the Celestial Beacon site by Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions. Results of stage 1 and 2 showed no intact soils or cultural artifacts were encountered in any of the test pits. The report was submitted to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport as a condition of licensing in accordance with Part IV of the Ontario Heritage act, R.S.O. 1990, c 0.18. The report is reviewed to ensure that it complies with the standards and guidelines, and that the archaeological fieldwork and report recommendations ensure the conservation, protection and preservation of the cultural heritage of Ontario. The report states that no grading or other activities that may result in the destruction or disturbance of the study area is permitted until notice of Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries (MHSTCI) approval has been received.

Asset Management

The new proposed Celestial Beacon will become part of the Parks asset inventory as such ongoing operational and maintenance cost will be part of future operating budgets.

Existing By-Laws and Permits Required

Based on public consensus of the aesthetic value of uninterrupted views from Riverside Drive the Celestial Beacon, like all new buildings cited in the CRIP north of Riverside drive will be set into the riverbank with rooftops available as terraces allowing for views over the river towards the Detroit skyline. The city's zoning bylaw 8600 limits the height of buildings along the waterfront and states:

“For all lands zoned GD 1.1 ZDM 3,6,10 and situated on the north side of Riverside Dr. W. no new building or parts thereof shall be permitted to extend beyond the crown of Riverside Dr. adjacent thereto. This provision shall not apply to observation decks, fountains, sculpture and other works of art.”

A narrow portion of the Celestial Beacon will likely extend beyond the crown of Riverside Drive West and therefore relief from Section 20 (1) 3 of Zoning By-law 8600 is required. Recommendation II of this report requires an amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 for relief when the height of the building (Celestial Beacon) extends above the crown of the pavement within Riverside Drive.