overall square footage of 2466 sq. ft. or 229 sq. M. with an internal height clearance of 14 ft. or 4.3 M. to accommodate the Streetcar. A stationary ramp will provide the public with unobstructed access and the public will be able to tour the Streetcar during posted operational hours. Programming details and operational hours are still being explored and in part will be dependent upon the vendor operating the concession. Administration will bring a recommendation forward as part of the 2021 budget.

The Central Riverfront Implementation Plan (CRIP)

In September of 2000, Windsor City Council adopted the Central Riverfront Implementation Plan (CRIP). The CRIP is a master plan that guides and directs the development of parks, open space, buildings circulation and infrastructure on the City’s Central Waterfront and is identified as a Special Policy Area in Vol. II of the City’s Official Plan. The document identifies five key points also referred to as ‘Beacons’ located along the length of the central waterfront which act as points of orientation, activity and information.

The Celestial Beacon is located between Segment 1 and Segment 2 as noted in the CRIP and is one of five key Beacons on the waterfront (See Appendix B).

The overall guiding design principles outlined by the CRIP state the following:

The design intent of the Celestial Beacon as outlined in the CRIP states The Celestial Beacon and Sculpture Garden, plaza and other elements shall provide a setting for enjoyment and contemplation of sunsets, sculptural works of Art, the Ambassador Bridge, Astronomical Patterns.

“The Celestial Beacon bridges the embankment and provides an outdoor rooftop viewing platform accessible from Riverside Drive and below. In support of the passive role of the surrounding open space and sculpture gardens, the Beacon provides the opportunity to view the river from above. The Beacon enriches the contemplative experience of the park.”