Item No. 11.5


Council Report: C 68/2020

Subject: E-Scooters in Parks -City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council



That, Council CONFIRM ‘Riverfront Trail’ point 5 of CR83/2020 as indicated below to mean the Central Riverfront Trail as indicated in the Central Riverfront Implementation Plan (C.R.I.P) from The Ambassador Bridge to Hiram Walker; and CORRECT the reference to former Parks Bylaw 200-2002 to current parks By-law 131-2019; and that the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary documents to amend the by law.

“5. That Administration BE DIRECTED to conduct a trial period whereby e-scooters will be permitted on the Riverfront Trail paved path; and that the Parks Bylaw 200-2002 BE AMENDED accordingly; and, that the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary documents to amend the by law.” and further;

That, Council CLARIFY ‘trial period’ under point 5 of CR83/2020 as indicated above to be just over a year from the time the By-law is amended to December 1, 2021; and further,

That Council APPROVE the installation and all associated cost of signage and markings within the Riverfront Trail for the pilot project of e-scooters in parks, costs will be charged to the 2020 Parks Operations operating budget as outlined in the financial matters section of this report; and further,

That Council APPROVE the ongoing operational costs, including an increased Windsor Auxiliary Police presence within the Riverfront Trail with all associated costs related to the pilot project of e-scooters in Parks to be charged to the Parks Operations operating budget in 2020 as outlined in the financial matters section of this report, and that Administration include a submission on the funds required in 2021 to the 2021 Budget deliberations; and further,