Year ended December 31, 2019

22. Related party transactions (continued):

(e) Amounts due from (to) related parties (continued):

The amount due from the Commission, debentures is pursuant to the revolving credit agreement entered into by the Commission and the Corporation.

The amount due from the Commission, post-retirement, is a long term receivable resulting from the Employee Arrangement Agreement with EWU and is amortized over the estimated average remaining service life at the time of the agreement which was 9.5 years, payable each November.

The amounts due to related parties consist of:


The amount due to the City is non-interest bearing.

23. Joint venture:

ONtech Rapid Coatings Inc. (“ONtech”) is a Canadian controlled private corporation in which EWE has joint control and a 50% ownership interest. ONtech was founded by EWE and Tessonics Inc. and is principally engaged to offer low pressure cold spray solutions. The address of ONtech’s registered office is 787 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

ONtech is structured as a separate legal entity and EWE has a residual interest in its net assets. Accordingly, the Corporation has classified its interest in ONtech as a joint venture, which is accounted for using the equity method.