22. Related party transactions:

(a) Parent and ultimate controlling party:

The parent of the Corporation is the City. The City produces consolidated financial statements that are available for public use.

(b) Key management personnel:

The key management personnel of the Corporation has been defined as members of its board of directors and executive management team members.

Key management compensation:

  2019 2018

Salaries and other short-term benefits

$ 1,096

$ 1,100
Post-employment benefits 12 14
  $ 1,108 $ 1,114

(c) Transactions with parent:

EWU provides waste water billing and related services for the City, for which EWU charges a fee. The total amount charged to the City for the year ended December 31, 2019, was $2,594 (2018 - $2,876). The fee charged for the waste water billing and related services were recognized as other income from operations on the consolidated statement of income.

EWU collects and remits the waste water billing amounts on behalf of the City. The total amount owing to the City at December 31, 2019, relating to waste water billing was $6,581 (2018 - $5,649).

EWE provides street lighting maintenance services to the City. The total amount charged to the City for the year ended December 31, 2019, relating to street lighting maintenance services was $1,171 (2018 - $1,503) and is recorded as part of other income from operations in the consolidated statement of income.