Year ended December 31, 2019

3. Significant accounting policies (continued):

(l) Revenue recognition:

IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much and when revenue is recognized.

The performance obligations for the sale and distribution of electricity are recognized over time using an output method to measure the satisfaction of the performance obligation. The value of the electricity services transferred to the customer is determined on the basis of cyclical meter readings plus estimated customer usage since the last meter reading date to the end of the year and represents the amount that EWU has the right to bill. Revenue includes the cost of electricity supplied, distribution, and any other regulatory charges. The related cost of power is recorded on the basis of power used.

For customer billings related to electricity generated by third parties and the related costs of providing electricity service, such as transmission services and other services provided by third parties, the Corporation has determined that it is acting as a principal for these electricity charges and, therefore, has presented electricity revenue on a gross basis.

Revenue for EWU is recognized when EWU satisfies the performance obligations within the contract(s) for conditions of service, which is when the distribution and delivery of electricity is achieved or specific services are performed.

Revenue includes an estimate of unbilled revenue. Unbilled revenue represents an estimate of electricity consumed by customers since the date of each customer’s last meter reading. Actual electricity usage could differ from those estimates.

Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, net of any taxes which may be applicable.

Street lighting maintenance revenue – EWE has a contract with the City to provide maintenance of the street lighting system. This contract includes replacing damaged or non-functioning street lighting. Revenue is recognized when the services have been performed. There is also a fixed component to the contract that is recognized evenly throughout the year.

Sentinel lighting revenue – EWE provides sentinel lighting equipment to customers. A monthly rental charge is earned by EWE for the use of the sentinel light equipment.

Other income for work orders is recorded on a net basis as the Corporation is acting as an agent for this revenue stream. All other amounts in other income are recorded on a gross basis and are recognized when services are rendered.