Year ended December 31, 2019

2. Basis of preparation (continued):

(f) Rate regulation (continued):

In its capacity to approve or set rates, the OEB has the authority to specify regulatory accounting treatments that differ from IFRS. The OEB’s regulatory accounting treatments require the recognition of regulatory assets and liabilities which do not meet the definition of an asset or liability under IFRS and, as a result, these regulatory assets and liabilities have not been recorded in these consolidated IFRS financial statements.

(i) Rate setting:

The electricity distribution rates and other regulated charges of EWU are determined by the OEB. This regulated rate-setting provides LDCs with the opportunity to recover the revenue requirement associated with owning and operating the LDC. The revenue requirement represents the forecasted prudent costs, including the cost of capital, which will be reasonably necessary for the LDC to invest in the electricity grid, operate the electricity grid, and serve customers in its licenced service area.

(ii) Rate applications:

When EWU files a “Cost of Service” (“COS”) rate application, the OEB establishes the revenues required to recover the forecasted operating costs, including amortization and income taxes, of providing the regulated electricity distribution service and providing a fair return on EWU’s rate base. EWU estimates electricity usage and the costs to service each customer class in order to determine the appropriate rates to be charged to each customer class. The COS application is reviewed by the OEB and any registered intervenors. Rates are approved based upon the review of evidence and information, including any revisions resulting from that review.

In the intervening years between a COS, an Incentive Regulation Mechanism (“IRM”) is filed. An IRM application results in a formulaic adjustment to distribution rates that were set under the last COS application. The previous year’s rates are adjusted for the annual change in the Gross Domestic Product Implicit Price Inflator for Final Domestic Demand (“GDP IPI-FDD”) net of a productivity factor set by the OEB and a ‘stretch factor’ determined by the relative efficiency of an electricity distributor.