• A strong financial background, including financial accreditation and public or private market financing experience;

• Industry sector experience in the areas of business of the subsidiary companies; and

• Governance/Board experience.

All new Directors undergo an orientation and education program upon their appointment to the Board.


The following Committees were created to help the Boards of Directors carry out their duties. The committees meet regularly and provide feedback on their discussions to their respective Boards.

Audit and Finance Committee (Windsor Canada Utilities Ltd. and ENWIN Utilities Ltd.)

The Audit & Finance Committees review financial statements, accounting practices and policies, auditing processes and the results of internal and external audits and related matters. These committees also oversee financial risk management and assess internal controls.

Governance and Human Resources Committee (ENWIN Utilities Ltd.)

The Governance and Human Resources Committee reviews the Corporation's governance structures and provides oversight to policies and practices impacting employees.

Executive Committee (ENWIN Utilities Ltd.)

The Executive Committee reviews and assesses the performance of the President and Chief Executive Officer, on behalf of the Board of Directors, and provides input, advice and guidance to the President & CEO regarding strategic direction of the companies.


Underground fault training increases efficiency and minimizes outage response time.