Item Parameter
28. Metribuzin
29. Monochlorobenzene
30. Paraquat
31. Pentachlorophenol
32. Phorate
33. Picloram
34. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
35. Prometryne
36. Simazine
37. Terbufos
38. Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene)
39. 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol
40. Triallate
41. Trichloroethylene
42. 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol
43. Trifuralin
44. Vinyl Chloride

Note: As of January 1, 2016, the following tests have been eliminated by the MECP.

Item Parameter
1. Aldicarb
2. Aldrin+Dieldrin
3. Aldrin
4. Dieldrin
5. Bendiocarb
6. Chlordane (Total)
7. a-chlordane
8. g-chlordane
9. Oxychlordane
10. Cyanazine
11. DDT+Metabolites
12. op-DDT
Item Parameter
13. pp-DDD
14. pp-DDE
15. pp-DDT
16. Dinoseb
17. Heptachlor+HepEpox
18. Heptachlor
19. Heptachor Epoxide
20. Lindane
21. Methoxychlor
22. Parathion
23. Temephos
24. 2,4,5-T