sampling and testing - lead

The Municipal Drinking Water Licence requires 60 samples annually to monitor corrosion control effectiveness. Sample locations include private, non-private and distribution. Each of these samples are to be tested for lead.

A total of 495 lead sample locations have been collected and tested in 2019: 279 private and non-private samples and 216 samples in distribution.

In the calendar year 2019, WUC complied fully with the requirements of the Licence.

reporting test results

If a sample collected and tested indicates an adverse result, as outlined in the regulations, the owner of a drinking water system must report the result to the Medical Offificer of Health (MOH) and the Spills Action Centre (SAC) of the Ministry of Environment, Parks and Conservation (MECP). If an observation other than an adverse test result indicates that a drinking water system is directing water that may not be adequately disinfected to users of the water system, the observation must be reported to the MOH and the SAC.

If a report is required under this section, a verbal report must be provided to the MOH by speaking directly to a person at the Windsor Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) or the designated on call representative. In addition, a verbal report must be provided to the Ministry by contacting the SAC.

These verbal reports of adverse water conditions must be verifified by written notice within 24 hours to the MOH and the SAC specifying the nature of the adverse result, actions being taken or observation and what corrective action is being taken.

Within seven days of resolution of a problem, a follow up written notice is to be provided outlining the resolution that gave rise to the adverse result report.

In 2019, there were three adverse incidents requiring notifification of the MOH and the SAC. Details are as follows:

• Total Coliform within the distribution system (Total Coliform detected);

• • Low chlorine in distribution; and

• Low chlorine in distribution; and Lead sampling result greater than 10 ug/L at a hydrant.

In all situations where it was determined that there was an adverse result, notifification was made to the MOH and the SAC.

schedule 17

This schedule outlines required corrective action to be followed with the determination of an adverse result requiring notifification.

In all cases, the required corrective action was followed, as directed by the Medical Offificer of Health.