O.Reg 170/04, Schedule 1 dictates that the owner of a drinking water system shall ensure that approved water treatment equipment, as specified in the Drinking Water Works Permit, is provided and is in operation whenever water is being supplied for potable use.


Further, the regulation requires that the equipment be operated in a manner that achieves its design capabilities and that only certified operators carry out operation of the system.

In the calendar year 2019, this section of the regulations was fully complied with.

Chart 3 (page 5) depicts WUC’s average daily water fow for the 2019 calendar year. Of particular note is the approved 349 ML daily maximum treatment capacity of WUC’s treatment plants. As illustrated in the chart, WUC is operating well within the approved limits of its licence and permit.

The water treatment process at the A.H. Weeks Water Treatment Plant. For illustration only.