1. Reporting entity:

The Windsor Utilities Commission (the "Commission") is the public utility that owns the water treatment and distribution system that serves the City of Windsor (the "City"). The Commission also owns District Energy, a division, which supplies heating and cooling services to multiple buildings using a closed hot and cold water system. The Commission was established in 1935 under the City of Windsor Amalgamation Act. The Commission is a local board of the City pursuant to the Municipal Act. The address of the Commission's registered office is 787 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The Commission has more than 70,000 residential and commercial customers in Windsor and two neighbouring municipal bulk water customers, the Town of LaSalle and the Town of Tecumseh.

On November 6, 2012, the Commission and ENWIN Utilities Ltd. ("ENWIN") entered into a Water System Operating Agreement ("WSOA"), whereby ENWIN agreed to provide services to the Commission with respect to operating the water treatment and distribution system and District Energy. The services include: management, administrative services, construction operations, and maintenance services. ENWIN is responsible for providing all personnel required to operate the water system and District Energy. Pursuant to the terms of the WSOA and the associated Employee Arrangement Agreement, also dated November 6, 2012, the Commission transferred all non-unionized employees and all unionized employees of the Commission to ENWIN. ENWIN is indirectly 100% owned by the City.

2. Basis of preparation:

(a) Statement of compliance:

The Commission's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board

(b) Approval of the financial statements:

The financial statements were approved by the Commission on April 22, 2020.