The DWBIA is the largest of the nine BIA’s. As such, an analysis of significant changes (+/-$10,000) in expenditures is as follows:

Administrative Expenses

An increase in salary and wages of $33,000 due to the addition of a part time Market Coordinator to assist with the planned Farmers Market and Night Market events

In increase of $55,000 for contracting a Business Development Consultant.

A reduction of $10,000 in legal expenditures

An increase of $10,000 for the development of a property standards incentive program which will offer members incentive to improve their storefront appearances

Capital Expenses

A decrease of $41,472 as it relates to capital payments to the City which were fully repaid in 2019.

An increase of $24,000 for flowers, plants and trees

Advertising, Promotion and Events

An decrease of $15,000 as it relates to branding/digital advertising

A decrease of $35,000 previously allocated for retail recruitment

The elimination of $22,500 in expenses related to the Canada Day Parade

An increase of $20,000 in support of the Farmer’s Market

An increase of $10,000 for a Night Market

A signature event for the Ouellette Car Cruise has been budgeted for at a cost of $28,200. The BIA has estimated receiving $20,500 in sponsorship revenue to assist in offsetting the costs associated with the event.

As at the end of 2018, the DWBIA had an accumulated surplus (reserve balance) of $139,150.

Via Italia – Erie Street BIA– Appendix B

The requested budget and related levy due from BIA members is $125,000, which is consistent with that of 2019. Expenditures are generally consistent with prior year with the exception of an increase in seasonal decorations of $15,000. An expense of $10,000 is planned for the Tour di Via Italia Bike Race event. The budget submission