
The following is an overview of adjusted timelines to the University Avenue and Victoria Avenue Environmental Assessment (EA) and the University Avenue West and Wyandotte Avenue West Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to reflect the delays due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

University Avenue and Victoria Avenue EA

University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West CIP

The anticipated completion date for the University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West CIP (November 2020) has not changed. Staff anticipate this date will be maintained, however staff have not been able to carry out public and stakeholder consultation due to the Pandemic. As the Pandemic evolves, staff will either hold public consultation when it's safe to do so, or staff will decide to carry out online public and stakeholder consultation.

Risk Analysis:

There is low risk associated with the subject report as it only provides requested information to Council.

Financial Matters:

This report does not contain any financial matters.




This report is provided for information only as requested by Council. Staff recommend that Council receive the report for information.