MOU ~ Memorandum of Understanding, being one of the 2 contracts comprising the Transfer Agreement

MBNCanada (previously OMBI) ~ The Municipal Benchmarking Network Canada (MBNCanada) is a groundbreaking initiative collecting data for more than 850 measures across thirty-seven (37) municipal service areas

Part I ~ that portion of the POA dealing with ticketing procedures for non-parking matters

Part II ~ that portion of the POA dealing with ticketing procedures for parking matters

Part III ~ that portion of the POA dealing with the issuance of summonses for persons to attend POA Court in order to be arraigned on Informations and thereafter to be dealt with by a Justice of the Peace. There are no provisions for out-of-court payments nor for failure-to-respond convictions

POA ~ Provincial Offences Act (Ontario)

POA Court ~ referring to that judicial complement of the Ontario Court of Justice, composed primarily of Justices of the Peace, whose duties include dealing with POA matters

POA Office ~ the premises where the City executes the POA administration of justice functions

POA Program ~ the City’s operational structure for the delivery of POA administration of justice functions

POA Transfer ~ the transfer by the province to the City of POA administration of justice functions

Serviced Municipalities ~ those 9 signatories to the ISA for which the City is the service provider pursuant to the POA Transfer, consisting of Leamington, LaSalle, Tecumseh, Essex Town, Kingsville, Pelee, Amherstburg, Lakeshore and Essex County

Transfer Agreement ~ contractual arrangement between the City and MAG where the City became the local service provider for transferred administration of justice functions, composed of the MOU and the LSA

Victim Fine Surcharge ~ all fines levied under Part I and Part III of the POA are statutorily bumped-up by this surcharge. Where the base fine does not exceed $1,000, the surcharge amount is applied in stepped amounts ranging from $10 to $125; fines over $1,000 have a flat 25% surcharge added. All surcharge amounts are remitted without deduction to the province for appropriate application as determined by senior government