The ISA calls for the setting up of an administrative advisory panel, being the Windsor/Essex Court Service Area Liaison Committee (“Liaison Committee”), composed of one representative from each participating municipality. Among other things, the 10-person Liaison Committee:

By virtue of the ISA, each party municipality provides a member of its administration as its Liaison Committee representative, with the Windsor representative currently being the City Solicitor. The latter is also the Chair.

For 2019, the final composition of the POA Liaison Committee was as follows:

Amherstburg Justin Rousseau Treasurer
Essex (County) Mary Birch Director of Council Services/Clerk
Essex (Town) Robert Auger Clerk/Deputy Treasurer
Kingsville Ryan McLeod Director of Financial Services
Lakeshore Rosanna Pellerito Director of Finance
LaSalle Dale Langlois Director of Finance/ Treasurer
Leamington Laura Rauch Director of Finance & Business Services
Pelee Michelle Feltz Treasurer/Tax Collector
Tecumseh Luc Gagnon Director of Financial Services & Treasurer
Windsor Shelby Askin Hager (Chair) City Solicitor
Windsor Melissa Ryan Manager of Provincial Offences

The Liaison Committee is mandated by the ISA to convene at least twice annually. In 2019, there were two meetings that were held on the following dates and locations:

Date Location
April 24, 2019 Essex County Civic Centre Committee Room D
October 25, 2019 Essex County Civic Centre Committee Room D