In 2019, the Windsor/Essex Provincial Offences (POA) department had a very successful year in revenue collection efforts reaching levels that have not been attained since 2012. This incredible accomplishment was realized despite having to deal with a catastrophic fire that occurred in November 2019 which moved POA operations from the regular location at Westcourt Place to a temporary location at Windsor City Hall.

Our main goal this year was to focus on creating efficiencies in processes as well as increasing our collection efforts. We continued to review and implement operational efficiencies with a strong focus on process improvement, customer service delivery and the collection of defaulted fines.

The POA team members worked diligently throughout the year to meet its objectives and supported a number of new initiatives that had a positive impact on the overall business operations. Some of the key highlights include:

 Experienced a successful year in revenue collection reaching levels not attained since 2012.

 Initiated a new phone system to connect us to the City phone system. This switch allowed more control over the phone system and quick remedy to any phone issues. It also resulted in a decrease in annual telephone operating expenses.

 Court Administration staff were provided with dual monitors to be able to service customers efficiently by having access to both the provincial database system (ICON) as well as our internal database system (CAMS).

 Conducted approximately 15,539 Part I prosecutions and 7,487 Early Resolution Meetings in 2019.

In 2020, the department will focus on continuing its operations at a temporary location until a long term solution is achieved. We anticipate and look forward to legislative changes aimed at modernizing the provincial offences court system.

Sincerely, Melissa Ryan Manager of Provincial Offences