Item No. 7.2


Council Report: CM 19/2020

Subject: 2019 Provincial Offences (POA) Annual Report- City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the report of the City Solicitor dated March 24, 2020 regarding the 2019 Windsor/Essex Provincial Offences (POA) Annual Report BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION.

Executive Summary:

The 2019 Annual Report is a detailed summary that highlights the activities and operations of the Windsor/Essex POA department throughout the year. It is provided to the Liaison Committee members every year and includes an overall assessment of the operations and its structure, key performance indicators and financial results.


In 1998, the province enacted Bill 108 which amended the Provincial Offences Act (“POA”) thereby enabling it to transfer various responsibilities of the POA Court system to municipalities. The transfer included court support and administrative functions, and the prosecution of ticketable provincial offences.

The Windsor/Essex Provincial Offences Program (“POA Program”) was created as a special-purpose vehicle to accept the transfer of POA responsibilities from the province. It functions as a self-funding, net revenue positive operating division of the City. The bulk of the POA Program’s revenues are generated from fines received as a result of persons violating legislation.