consumption because of the many facilities being closed. This may result in decreased revenue to the City from the wastewater (sewer surcharge) fees collected by Enwin on the City’s behalf. More details on the possible effects to capital funding is provided in the Capital Plan Implications section of this report.

Windsor Police Services - Windsor Police Services staff have indicated that additional costs related to personal protective equipment have been incurred as a result of the COVID pandemic. It is still premature to determine if these costs can be mitigated with offsetting savings in other areas.

Land Ambulance - Additional employee related overtime expenses for Paramedic Services are expected. In addition, expenditures for personal protective equipment, medical and operating supplies are forecasted. It is still too early to determine if these costs can be mitigated with offsetting savings in other areas.

Windsor Essex County Health Unit - Additional costs are anticipated for staffing expenditures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic response. Personal protective equipment (PPE) costs are also estimated to exceed the current budget. While it is anticipated that senior levels of government may provide funding for these additional expenditures, allocation methods or amounts to the service have yet to be provided. Therefore, there is a risk that there will be a variance going forward.

Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island (TWEPI) – as indicated above, the City provides funding to TWEPI in accordance with the revenue cost sharing agreement developed in conjunction with the MAT program. Previous to this agreement, the City’s annual contribution to TWEPI, as an agency, was set at $923,300. As part of the initial first few years of the MAT program and until the revenues could be more reasonably estimated, City Council has maintained an expenditure within the budget of $923,300 which is transferred to the Tourism Infrastructure and Program Development Reserve Fund. Any shortfall in funding for TWEPI can be funded from that transfer.

Financial Matters:

The expected financial implications of the City’s response to COVID-19 Pandemic is summarized in the following table. The preliminary estimates of the financial impact of the COVID crisis to City operations are projected to the end of April 2020 unless noted. As of the end of April it is estimated that the net financial losses approximate $5.05M. However, when various items are considered on an annualized basis (i.e. loss of dividends, lost interest earnings, etc...) this initial forecast results in a 2020 budget pressure estimated at $11.15M. City Council should note that these are purely estimates at this early stage that are subject to significant variability as new cost or revenues pressures are identified each and every day. The financial impacts detailed below will be in addition to normal operating variances that would typically be expected in any normal year.