by the COVID pandemic. This has included increased emergency assistance to clients, procuring and opening up a hotel site to house residents that have tested positive, additional motel & shelter requirements, and increased financial support to providers to put in place the protocols required to minimize the spread of the COVID virus.

The federal and provincial government have approved additional funding totalling $5.2M for the period from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. The provincial government approved $3,704,000 in the Social Services Relief Fund (CHPI) and the federal government approved $1,478,471 in the Reaching Homes Fund. Depending on the length of the crisis, the additional funding will very likely fully offset the added expenditures incurred within the area resulting from the pandemic.

Huron Lodge

Due to the high risk to the residents and staff of contacting the COVID virus, Huron Lodge management have significantly increased the screening and sanitation protocols for the facility. This has resulted in increased staffing requirements, costs for personal protective equipment, and cleaning supplies totalling approximately $170,000. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care has announced additional monthly funding of $37,500 meant to offset the increased costs being incurred as a result of the COVID crisis. It is still premature to determine if the additional funding is sufficient to offset the costs being incurred. As new directives are mandated by the province, additional costs may be incurred. At this time, we are not aware if any additional funding will be made available to offset these further incremental costs. A projected variance of $95,000 is currently projected at the end of April 2020.

Windsor Fire & Rescue (WFR)

As an essential service to the Windsor community, WFR staff are at the front lines of the COVID crisis. This has resulted in significantly greater than budgeted overtime to replace staff that are ill or have been isolated due to exposure of the COVID virus. Based on data to date, it is expected that the WFR increased overtime costs will be approximately $330,000 at the end of April.

Provincial Offences Act

POA lost revenues are currently estimated at $210,000. The Provincial Offences Court has adjourned all court attendance matters until the end of May and it is reasonable to anticipate that the judiciary may choose to extend this date further. Further lengthy extensions could result in the withdrawal or dismissal of charges given an accused's right to a trial within a reasonable time pursuant to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Reductions in revenue will impact the overall POA financial position that is shared with the County based on weighted assessment as per the agreement.

Parking Operations

The Parking Operations area is expecting a significant revenue shortfall in both the Parking and Enforcement areas due to reduced vehicular activity. Revenue shortfall to the end of April is expected to be approximately $170,000.