Item No. 8.1


Council Report: C 80/2020

Subject: Preliminary Overview of Potential COVID Financial Impacts - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That City Council RECEIVE the report titled “Preliminary Overview of Potential COVID Financial Impacts”; and,

That the City of Windsor continue TO PARTICIPATE in efforts with other municipalities and municipal organizations to seek financial support from senior levels of government to mitigate the financial impacts to municipalities of the COVID-19 pandemic; and,

That City Council APPROVE a change to the 2020 semi annual Capital Variance Reporting dates from March 31, 2020 to May 31, 2020 in order to allow for more clarity relative to the impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic on Capital spending.

Executive Summary:



Since the beginning of this year, the COVID 19 pandemic has spread around the world causing global anxiety, which is affecting human behaviour and the world’s economy. As a result of this crisis, the City’s operations have changed considerably. In some cases, services have been suspended, altered, continued with major restrictions, or increased to meet the demands resulting from the pandemic. Employee work environments have been modified with many staff now working from home or having been redeployed to other city services or community agencies.