(g) Wattage of exterior light;

(h) Height of exterior light; and

(i) Proof of publication for two consecutive days within the preceding ten (10) days in a newspaper of

general circulation within the City, of a Notice of Intention to apply for any exemption to this By-law,

received or by the distribution of a flyer as prescribed by the City to all residences and businesses

within a 100 metre radius of the subject property containing the information required by Clauses (a)

through (h) hereof, stating the date upon which objections may be submitted to City staff.

5.3 The owner of lands upon which it is intended to place and use prohibited light(s) for the purposes of a Special

Event or other activity, shall apply to the Commissioner for a temporary exemption to the requirements

imposed by this By-law certifying approval of the light(s). Plans for the location and fixture specifications for

such light(s) shall be submitted with the application and application fee, and temporary exemption shall not be

issued unless the light(s) shown on such plans comply with the provisions of all applicable bylaws of the City.

5.4 The Commissioner may grant an exemption, in whole or in part, with terms and conditions, subject to the

provisions of this By-law.

5.5 In considering the completed application for any exemption, the Commissioner shall take into account

the following:

(a) If an exemption is granted, a time limit shall be specified, and an exemption shall not exceed six


(b) The Commissioner shall consult with the affected Ward Councillor on an application for an exemption

and the consultation shall include any terms and conditions that may be attached to an exemption.

(c) Any correspondence received regarding the application as a result of the distribution of the notice

or newspaper advertisement referred to in Section 5.2(i).

(d) The proximity of the light to a residential area and the likelihood that the light for which an exemption

is requested may negatively affect persons in a residential area.

(e) Whether any negative impacts under clauses (c) or (d) can be reduced with the use of mitigation

measures including limiting the light to certain days or times or times of the day.

5.6 A breach by the applicant of any of the terms or conditions imposed by the Commissioner in granting an

exemption shall immediately render the exemption null and void.

5.7 Notwithstanding that the authority to grant an exemption is delegated to the Commissioner, and that he or she

may have already exercised the delegated power, Council shall retain the right to exercise the authority to grant

or deny an exemption in accordance with the conditions set out in section 5.5 of this By-law.


6.1 The City is exempt from the requirements of this By-law.

6.2 Motion-Sensor Activated Lighting may be left unshielded provided it is located in such a manner as to prevent

Direct Lighting and Glare on to the properties of others, or into a public right of way, and provided the light is

set to only go on when activated and to go off within five minutes after activation has ceased, and the light

shall not be triggered by activity off the property.