APPENDIX 'A' - Mississauga Nuisance Lighting By-law

BY-LAW 262-12
WHEREAS sections 8, 9 and 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorize the Corporation of the City of Mississauga to pass by-laws necessary or desirable for municipal purposes, and in particular paragraphs 5, 6, 8 of subsection 11(2) and paragraph 7 of subsection 11(3) authorize by-laws respecting the economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality; the health, safety and well-being of persons, and the protection of persons and property;
AND WHEREAS Section 128 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides municipalities with authority to prohibit and regulate public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Mississauga are or could become public nuisances;
AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the Council of the City of Mississauga certain kinds of lights are or could become a public nuisance;
AND WHEREAS Section 129 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides municipalities with authority to prohibit and regulate with respect to noise, vibration, odour, dust and outdoor illumination, including indoor lighting that can be seen outdoors;
AND WHEREAS section 425 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes the Corporation of the City of Mississauga to pass by-laws providing that a person who contravenes a by-law of the City of Mississauga passed under that Act, is guilty of an offence;
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001 further authorizes the City of Mississauga, amongst other things, to delegate its authority, to impose fees or charges on persons for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it, to provide for inspections and inspection orders, and to make orders to discontinue activity or to do work;
AND WHEREAS the City of Mississauga wishes to adopt a by-law to prohibit and regulate nuisance lighting;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Mississauga ENACTS as follows:
The general purpose of this By-law is:
The general purpose of this By-law is:
(a) to promote reasonable uses of outdoor lighting for night-time safety, utility, security, productivity, enjoyment and commerce while preserving the ambiance of the night;
(b) to reduce glare from exterior luminaries and interior luminaries;
(c) to control light pollution by minimizing non-target light and by requiring light reduction through adaptive lighting techniques under site plan control;
(d) to reduce unwanted light trespass and spill; and
(e) to prohibit and regulate light nuisances.