
Council Report: S 30/2020

Subject: Response update to CQ 13-2019 Creation of a Nuisance Lighting By-law


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. THAT this response to CQ13-2019 BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



At the May 6th, 2019 City Council meeting, Councillor Holt asked the following question: (CQ 13-2019)

That Administration report back to Council to determine whether the LED lights used in various Commercial Districts (around windows) should be evaluated under the same criteria as LED signs discussed in Report SCM 137/2019.

A report to Council prepared by the Planning Department was received at the October 7, 2019 Council meeting. The report identified that the Sign By-Law 250-2004 may not be the most effective way to regulate the use of LED lights in windows. It was also noted that only one other municipality (City of Mississauga) addressed these lights in a separate Nuisance Lighting Bylaw (By-law 262-12) to outright ban their use. Following delegations from the public and Council deliberations, Council directed administration to further research and prepare a report related to the creation of a Nuisance Lighting By-law for Council’s consideration (CR506/2019 DHSC 93).