
Council Report: S 187/2019

Subject: Administration Response to CQ 17-2019 Regarding 2650 Metcalfe Street


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. THAT this response to CQ 17-2019 BE RECEIVED for information.


At the July 8, 2019 City Council meeting, Councillor Sleiman asked the following question: (CQ 17-2019)

In light of the recent media attention and ongoing complaints about the trucking operation on Drouillard Road causing problems for residents and businesses of Ford City, can the Planning Department report back on a review of existing zonings and permitted uses in the general Ford City area and recommend any changes to prevent future problems.


History of the Site:

2650 Metcalfe Street is currently zoned MD2.1 under the City of Windsor Zoning Bylaw 8600 and is designated ‘Industrial’ in the Official Plan.

According to City records, the last legal use of the property was a Manufacturing Facility (considered an Industrial Use which is permitted under the MD2.1 zone). The last parts of the former Manufacturing Facility were demolished in 1995. Sunken loading docks were left and appear to be used to load trucks by the current occupant.

A historical study of available aerial photography indicates the following storage related uses: