Community Improvement Plans (CIPs)

Community Improvement Plans are a planning tool that allows local governments in Ontario to designate an area for specific policy interventions, improvements, or financial incentives. CIPs can be applied to a neighbourhood or area of the city or city-wide.

Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan

The Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan provides a combination of planning policies, financial programs, and municipal leadership to support efforts in revitalizing brownfields with developers and prospective buyers. All contaminated properties under the Ministry of Environment’s standards that classified as a brownfield are eligible for the incentive. The following programs are included within the incentive:

Table 5: Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan Supporting Incentive Programs in the City of Windsor

Please contact the City of Windsor’s Planning Staff for more details regarding eligibility and the application process in regards to the brownfield redevelopment project proposed.

Program Name Program Description
Feasibility Study Grant Program
  •  Financial support to conduct studies regarding the feasibility of reusing, rehabilitating, retrofitting and constructing buildings on site.
  •  Grant equivalent up to 50% of the cost of an eligible feasibility study.
  •  Maximum grant of $7,500 with maximum one study per property
Environmental Site Assessment Programs
  •  Financial support to conduct studies regarding the type of contamination (information) and potential remediation costs.
  •  Grant equivalent up to 50% of the cost of an eligible environmental site assessment, designated substances and hazardous material survey, remedial action plan or risk assessment.
  •  Maximum grant of $15,000 per environmental study.
  •  Maximum grant of 2 studies per property/project.
  •  Maximum grant of $25,000 per property/project
Brownfields PropertyAssistant Program
  •  Cancellation of municipal property tax increase and the education property tax increase for up to 3 years.
BrownfieldsRehabilitation GrantProgram
  •  Grant equivalent up to 70% (no LEED certification) or 100% (any LEED certification) of the municipal property tax increase created by the project up to 10 years after project completion.
BrownfieldsDevelopment ChargeExemption Program
  •  Up to 60% reduction of development charge payable on a brownfield site approved under the Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant Program.

Source: Information/Know-Your-Community/Community-Improvement/Pages/Brownfield- Redevelopment-Community-Improvement-Plan.aspx