
Council Report: S 49/2019

Subject: Pink Zoning Information Report Response to CQ 28-2017, City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT this Council Report responding to CQ28-2017 – Pink Zoning/Pink Code Information Report BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



At the regular meeting of Windsor City Council held on August 8, 2017, Councillor Holt asked the following Council Question CQ28-2017:

“Asks Administration to report back to the Planning, Heritage & Economic Development Standing Committee on methods of introducing “Pink Code” or “Pink Zoning” as recommended in their report to Council.”

This Council Question was a follow-up question to an information report provided by Administration addressing potential options or tools available to Council that will help encourage compact and walkable residential, commercial or mixed-use developments and enhance right-of-way opportunities throughout the city (refer to CQ34-2014). The report brought up the concept of “Pink Zoning/Pink Code” as a potential option to help facilitate walkability and active transportation within the compact city. This report will provide more information with respect to “Pink Zoning/Pink Code”.