the existing condition of the properties identified in this report. of Administration were consulted:

The following members

Brian Velocci from the Planning Division regarding zoning and COA

Brian Nagata from the Building Division regarding Building Permit Fees.

Janice Guthrie, Carolyn Nelson, and Don Nantais from the City Treasurer Office regarding budget and grant information


The owners of the properties identified in this report have met all the requirements to be eligible for the Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant, Development and Building Fees Grant Programs, and the Revitalization Grant (if applicable). There are sufficient funds in Account 7076176-Sandwich Community Development Plan to provide these grants. Administration recommends approval of the application requests made by the owners identified in this report.

In addition to the applications identified in this report, there are new inquiries and Administration expects the high interest in the Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation and Municipal Development Fees Grant Programs under the Sandwich CIP to continue. Administration therefore recommends that approval authority for these grant programs under the Sandwich CIP be delegated to the CAO under the provisions of the Delegation of Authority By-Law in order to expedite and streamline the approval process.


Name Title
Kevin Alexander Planner III – Special Projects
Neil Robertson Manager of Urban Design
Thom Hunt City Planner/Executive Director of Planning and Building Services
Don Nantais Financial Planning Administrator
Wira Vendrasco Deputy City Solicitor
Shelby Askin-Hager City Solicitor
Janice Guthrie Deputy Treasurer, Taxation & Financial Projects
Joe Mancina Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer