ii. grants totalling to +/- $4,903 towards eligible costs through the Development and Building Fees Grant Program;

iii. for 70% of the municipal portion of the tax increment for up to 10 years

(amount to be determined) through the Revitalization Grant Program ; and

III. THAT the requests made by Richard Jones, owner of the property located at 459 Watkins Street, BE APPROVED for a maximum grant of +/- $12,272 towards eligible costs through the Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program pursuant to the Sandwich Community Improvement Plan; and,

IV. Khalid Jasey, owner of the property located at 3596 Queen Street, BE APPROVED for a grant of +/- $2,918 towards eligible costs through the Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program pursuant to the Sandwich Community Improvement Plan; and,

V. THAT should renovations result in an increased assessment which would make application(s) eligible for a property tax increment grant, Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare the agreement between the City and Applicant(s) to implement the Revitalization Grant Program in accordance with all applicable policies, requirements to the satisfaction of the City Planner as to content, the City Solicitor as to legal form, and the CFO/City Treasurer as to financial implications; and,

VI. THAT the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Grant Agreement(s) for the Revitalization Grant Program; and,

VIII. THAT the Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation and Development and Building Fees Grants BE PAID upon completion of improvements to the exterior of the building through the Sandwich Community Development Plan-Capital Project account 7076176 to the satisfaction of the City Planner and Chief Building Official; and,

IX. THAT the approval authority for future Neighbourhood ResidentialRehabilitationGrant Program applications BE DELEGATED to the CAO through the Delegation of Authority By-Law for projects to a maximum of $15,000.00 and where sufficient budget funding is available. Such approval to be based on the recommendation of the City Planner as to technical merit and the City Treasurer as to financial considerations, and that all such approvals be reported to Council semi annually as part of the normal reporting of DOA approvals; and,

X. THAT the approval authority for future Development and Building Fee Grant Program applications BE DELEGATED to the CAO through the Delegation of Authority By-Law when the Development and Building Fee Grant is requested as