We have reviewed our floodline mapping for this area and it has been determined this site is not located within a regulated area that is under the jurisdiction of the ERCA (Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act). Floodline mapping was completed to assist in implementing the requirements of the Provincial Policy Statement as it relates to natural hazards and was done in partnership between the City of Windsor and the Essex Region Conservation Authority. As a result, a permit is not required from ERCA for issues related to Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act, Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation under the Conservations Authorities Act, (Ontario Regulation No. 158/06).


The following comments are provided in an advisory capacity as a public commenting body on matters related to watershed management. Specifically, our role is to advise the City on matters associated with water resource management concerns including but not limited to stormwater management.

SECTION Stormwater Management (PPS, 2014)

ERCA recommends that an appropriate stormwater servicing study be completed to address the increase in flows to the existing municipal storm sewer system to the satisfaction of the City of Windsor. The intent of the study should focus on the proposed impacts associated with the proposed increase in development density proposed in this amendment to the zoning by-law. The study should review the potential impacts and propose solutions to ensure that there are no negative downstream impacts to the storm sewer network and, if appropriate, to the downstream receiving watercourse.

ERCA recommends that the municipality ensure that the release rate for this development is controlled to the capacity available in the existing storm sewers/drains. ERCA also recommends that stormwater quality and stormwater quantity are addressed up to and including the 1:100 year storm event and be in accordance with the provincial guidance provided by the Stormwater Management Planning and Guidance Manual, prepared by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE, March 2003) and any other local requirements (e.g., Windsor-Essex Region Stormwater Management Standards Manual).


The following comments are provided from our perspective as a service provider to the Municipality on matters related to natural heritage and natural heritage systems as outlined in Section 2.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement of the Planning Act. The comments in this section do not represent the provincial position and are advisory in nature for the consideration of the Municipality as the planning authority.

The subject lands have not been inventoried and evaluated for their ecological significance subject to the policies and procedures of the Provincial Policy Statement and the provincial Natural Heritage Reference Manual. In addition, it is acknowledged that the subject lands are not within an identified study trigger area of the City of Windsor Official Plan (for example, located within an identified Environmental Policy Area "A" or "B" on Schedule C); however, these land use schedules and associated planning policies have not been updated to be consistent with the 2005 or 2014 PPS. It is the opinion of ERCA that the subject lands support an unevaluated natural heritage feature that should be assessed for its significance in keeping with the intent of the PPS and provincial guidance on natural heritage policies.