To the east is the Little River and industrial uses. To the north and abutting the subject parcel is the Little River. Further north are more industrial and business park uses. To the west are vacant lands and more industrial uses. The nearest residential use is located about 560 metres to the south on Lauzon Road. Lauzon Parkway, a Class I Arterial Road, is just over 560 metres to the west. E.C. Row Expressway is just over 550 m to north.

The proposed Transport Terminal is not proximate to sensitive land uses.

The parcel is designated Industrial in the Official Plan, the MD2.4 zoning permits a Transport Terminal as a main use, the parcel is adjacent to a rail corridor, and the nearest sensitive land use is almost 500 metres away.

If the exemption is approved, there is minimal risk that a proposed Transport Terminal could be created that is not compatible with surrounding uses. There are no compatibility issues and no further mitigation is required beyond what is currently required in Zoning By-law 8600 and under site plan control.

It is not expected that additional mitigation measures are necessary in order to permit a Transport Terminal.

The Planning Division is recommending that the exemption be approved.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:


Jason Campigotto, Site Plan Approval Officer; Wira Vendrasco, Deputy City Solicitor; Rob Vani, Manager of Inspections (BBO) / Deputy Chief Building Official