Item No. 8.25


Committee Matters: SCM 105/2020

Subject: Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-1 - 2616766 Ontario Limited - 6500 Cantelon Drive - Ward 8

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: DHSC 134

1) THAT the request of 2616766 Ontario Limited for an exemption from the provisions of Interim Control By-law By-law 78-2019 for the property at 6500 Cantelon Drive BE APPROVED, and

2) THAT Council AMEND By-law 78-2019 by adding Section 6 as follows:

“6. The provisions of this by-law do not apply to the following lands:

a) 6500 Cantelon Drive - West of Cantelon Drive and Kew Drive

Part Blocks D, K & X, Registered Plan 1644 and Part Lots 118, 119 & 120, Concession 2, Sandwich East, Parts 1, 2, 7, 8, 29 and 30, Plan 12R-19150, save and except for Part 1, Plan 12R-25975; PIN 01379- 0439; Roll No. 070-660-01901.”


Report Number: S 13/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/13528

Clerk’s Note: The recommendation of the Standing Committee and Administration are the same.