Transit Windsor, Jason Scott

Transit Windsor has no objections to this development. We have existing transit service on Pillette currently with our Ottawa 4 route with bus stops on Pillette at Ontario that are approximately 80 metres from this property fitting well within our 400 metre walking distance to a bus stop average. Our proposed plans in our service delivery review that is going to City Council for final approval soon maintain this service as well.

Transportation Planning, Juan Paramo

Overall, Transportation Planning supports the subject Zoning By-law amendment.

Planning, Connor Cowan

Since the applicant is only providing the minimum of 4 parking spaces, it is no longer deemed a parking area. As such the accessible space and the access walk way are no longer required.

Windsor Police, Barry Horrobin

The Windsor Police Service has no objections with the proposed amendment to the Zoning By-Law to permit the construction of a four unit multiple dwelling at this location. While the general/surrounding neighbourhood is most typically and largely represented by single unit dwellings, there are other, existing multiple dwellings nearby. The proposed change of use is therefore not anticipated to create any adverse impacts to public safety and the draft concept plan reveals a design that will facilitate adequate police emergency response capability. Safety and security for the residents and the surrounding neighbourhood is still a priority however and since the application will not have to be subject to site plan control, we request the following important site safety features be included as a condition of approval:

The owner shall ensure the tenant parking lot situated off the abutting rear alley is provided with lighting that yields a minimum illumination level of 2.0 foot-candles (21.53 lux)