6.3 Residential

The lands designated as “Residential” on Schedule D: Land Use provide the main locations for housing in Windsor outside of the City Centre Planning District. In order to develop safe, caring and diverse neighbourhoods, opportunities for a broad range of housing types and complementary services and amenities are provided.

The following objectives and policies establish the framework for development decisions in Residential areas.

6.3.1 Objectives

RANGE OF FORMS & TENURES To support a complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods.

NEIGHBOURHOODS To promote compact neighbourhoods which encourage a balanced transportation system.

INTENSIFICATION, INFILL & REDEVELOPMENT To promote selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives.

SERVICE & AMENITIES To provide for complementary services and amenities which enhance the quality of residential areas.

6.3.2 Policies

6.3.2 Policies

In order to facilitate the orderly development and integration of housing in Windsor, the following policies shall apply.

PERMITTED USES Uses permitted in the Residential land use designation identified on Schedule D: Land Use include Low, Medium and High

Profile dwelling units.