
Council Report: S 239/2019

Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment for a parcel located at the northwest corner of Ontario Street and Arthur Road, municipally known as 4558 Ontario Street; File No Z-19/19 [ZNG 5960]; Applicant – Ontario 2290017 Ontario Inc. Ward 5


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of Lots 75 and 76, Plan 679 (Roll No. 010-040-00100), located on the north west corner of Ontario Street, and Arthur Road, municipally known as 4558 Ontario Street from ‘Residential District 1.2’ (RD 1.2) to ‘Residential District 2.2’ (RD 2.2) to allow one multiple dwelling containing a maximum of four dwelling units with minimum four on-site parking spaces.

II. THAT the property BE SUBJECT to Site Plan Control (SPC) as a small scale low profile residential development (as defined in the By-law 1-2004); the SPC application fee to include the cost of registering the Site Plan Control Agreement.

Executive Summary:



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