e) promoting cost-effective development patterns and standards to minimize land consumption and servicing costs;


The building has existed over 50 years and the uses for this building have transitioned over the years. The inclusion of residential apartments on the main floor to replace the vacant commercial uses will support the adaptive re-use and preservation of this sound building. As noted, there will be very little exterior change to accommodate the new residential apartments.

The building is existing in a mixed use neighbourhood and will be adapted to a proposed small scale, low profile residential building. The proposal is a wise re-use of existing infrastructure and building inventory.

The low-profile, small scale building can be considered a gateway structure to the residential neighbourhood. A low profile, small scale residential building is best suited as an unobtrusive structure to the single, detached residential neighbourhood.

In my professional opinion, the adaptive re-use of the existing structure is consistent and supports the cost-effective re-use of the building and minimizes land consumption.

The building is fully serviced and does not require the extension of municipal services.

The building was constructed 50 years ago and prior to the passing of the Zoning By-law. The building was constructed without on site parking. The proponent will be providing seven parking spaces: one for each unit and one for visitors.

The building is located on the Sandwich St. municipal bus route and bike trail.

In my professional opinion, as a historically existing building, the adaptive re-use of the structure will help to reduce land consumption. The ZBA will support the rejuvenation of the existing building and neighbourhood.