The subject property is presently designated ‘Residential’ on Schedule D: Land Use of the Official Plan and zoned ‘Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) in Comprehensive Zoning By-law 8600 for the City of Windsor.

The ‘Residential’ designation of the Official Plan permits Low, Medium, and High profile dwelling units: small scale forms: single detached, semi-detached, duplex and row and multiplexes with up to 8 units.”

Historically, prior to 1970 and the passing of the CZB, the subject building was used for a number of neighbourhood commercial uses on the main floor and residential apartments above the commercial. The second floor residential apartment units are considered legal, non-conforming with the (CD2.1) bylaw.

The owner proposes to convert the existing 2 storey, mixed use structure with 4 residential apartments on the second floor and 2 commercial units on the main floor to a residential multiple dwelling with 6 residential units. Specifically, the proponent is proposing to convert the two existing commercial main floor units into two residential apartments. The four second floor residential apartments will remain but will be upgraded and renovated.

The main floor presently has 2 commercial units. There will not be a change in number of units but a conversion of the 2 commercial units to 2 residential units. The 4 residential apartments upstairs will be upgraded and remain for a total of 6 residential apartment units in the low profile building.

The present low-profile height of the building will not be modified. There will be some minor exterior modifications to accommodate the conversion of the mixed use building to a small scale, low profile multiplex residential building with 6 apartment units. There will not be any exterior additions and the building is proposed to remain Low Profile.

A Zoning Bylaw Amendment has been requested to establish a site specific regulatory framework to permit the conversion of the mixed use building to a low profile, multiple residential building with 6 residential units. This report provides the rationale and support for the Zoning Bylaw Amendment (ZBA) that will maintain the ‘Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1)’ zone with a site specific amendment to support the rejuvenation and revitalization of the low profile, small scale building.