Windsor Police Services Comments

The Windsor Police Service has no concerns or objections with this application to amend the Zoning By-Law, as the outcome is not expected to create any adverse impacts to public safety. The proposed change will not drastically alter the character of the land use and a review of our incident response records for the past four years reveals no public safety concerns at this property. While a small onsite parking shortage is associated with the application, this is not deemed to be overly problematic in this situation. We will offer more detailed comments regarding the safety of the parking lot during the site plan review stage of the application.

Barry Horrobin, B.A., M.A., CLEP, CMM-III

Director of Planning & Physical Resources


Advanced Certified Law Enforcement Planner

Landscape Architects Comments

Pursuant to the application for a zoning amendment (Z 018/19) to permit a change in residential units on the subject, please note no objections. Please also note the following comments:

Zoning Provisions for Parking Setback:

Please include a site-specific zoning provision in conjunction with the amendment for change of permitted use, specifying a minimum 3.0 m landscape set back for parking areas in the Exterior Yard from South Street to ensure that the residential character of the area is maintained.

Tree Preservation: N/A

Parkland Dedication:

There are no parkland implications beyond the usual requirement for cash-in-lieu of 5% parkland dedication. Detailed landscape requirements will be provided at the time of site plan review.