Planning Act Matters:

I concur with the above comments and opinion of the Registered Professional Planner.

Neil Robertson, MCIP RPP

Manager of Urban Design/Deputy City Planner

Thom Hunt, MCIP RPP

City Planner

I am not a registered Planner and have reviewed as a Corporate Team Leader

Insert CLT Initials

Shelby Askin Hager, City Solicitor

Onorio Colucci, Chief Administrative Officer


Name Title
Neil Robertson, MCIP RPP Manager of Urban Design
Thom Hunt, MCIP RPP City Planner
Wira Vendrasco Deputy City Solicitor
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer


Name Address Email
Abutting property owners, tenants/occupants within 120m (400ft) radius of the subject land