Applicable OP Sections can by found in detail in the Appendix C of this report.

The Official Plan, Schedule D: Land Use designates the subject land as “Residential” providing the main location for housing in Windsor outside of the City Centre Planning District. In order to develop safe, caring and diverse neighbourhoods, opportunities for a broad range of housing types and complementary services and amenities are provided. The addition of the proposed first floor units is consistent with this description. Specifically, the proposed zoning changes are consistent with the following policy sections:, to support a complimentary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods, to promote compact neighbourhoods which encourage a balanced transportation system, to promote selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives

The proposed zoning amendment is consisted with section of the Official Plan “Residential - Permitted Uses”, identifying small-scale Low Profile residential development as permitted.

Chapter 2 “Glossary” of the Official Plan defines small-scale forms as multiplexes with up to 8 units.

The proposed zoning amendment is consistent with section of the Official Plan “Residential – Locational Criteria” because there is access to an arterial road, full municipal physical services, and public transportation services can be provided. Adequate community services and open spaces are also available in the area.

As per the Planning Justification Report (see Appendix I) submitted with the application, the subject building is existing and has been in this location for 96 years.

The building is built to the lot line at both Sandwich Street and South Street and is on an established frontage along Sandwich Street.

The proposed changes within the existing building as shown in the Appendix F Existing and Proposed Floor Plans will accommodate six (6) units. The building has been in place for many years with existing residential on the second floor and commercial uses on the main floor. The commercial units have been vacant for several years. Therefore, the applicant is requesting the conversion of 2 commercial units to 2 residential units on the first floor to create a total of 6 residential units as an adaptive re-use within a long-time established building.

The proposed development is consistent with the following policies of the Official Plan:

As per Chapter 3 Development Strategy, Section Permitted Uses and Section Locational Criteria, the Official Plan encourages a variety to housing types located within the urban settlement area and in proximity of existing infrastructure and