North of subject lands: Dwelling units with commercial retail addition facing Sandwich Street within a ‘Commercial District 2.1’ (CD2.1) zoning category. Towards the rear of the site, the property to the north is vacant and City owned within a ‘Residential District 3.1’ (RD3.1) zoning category.

East of the subject lands: two (2) storey residential dwelling with four (4) bedrooms within a RD3.1.

West side of the subject lands: a municipal right-of-way known as Sandwich Street and automobile repair shop and sales with an automobile storage area known as Crystal Auto Sales Service within a CD2.1 zoning category.

South side of the subject lands: three (3) storey residential apartment building within a ‘Commercial District 2.1’ (CD2.1) zoning category.

Site photos (Google Street View, September 2017) were attached to this report as Appendix A to identify the surrounding land uses and the context of the subject neighbourhood.


Sanitary sewer/Storm sewer: Combined sewer on the Sandwich Street right-of-way, combined sewer on the South Street right-of-way, sanitary sewer along the south side of the South Street right-of-way.

Water Fire hydrants: Fire Hydrant just south within the public right-of-way of 352 South Street. Fire Hydrant on the northwest side of the intersection of Sandwich and South Streets.

Sandwich Street: Class II Arterial

South Street: Local Road

Transit Windsor Bus: Crosstown 2 on Sandwich Street




The comments, submissions or advice affecting planning matters provided to the council of a municipality, as well as the decision of the council of a municipality shall be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 (PPS) and shall conform to the Official Plan (OP).


The recommended amendments to Zoning By-law 8600 represent sound planning and are consistent with the PPS. The recommended amendments will result in the placement of dwelling units on the main floor of the building and reduce the required number of parking spaces on the subject site being consistent with PPS policies identified below.