8.2 The Image of Windsor
HERITAGEAREAS ANDHERITAGECONSERVATIONDISTRICTS Council will ensure that a proposed development or infrastructure undertaking maintains, reinforces and enhances the character of Heritage Areas and Heritage Conservation Districts in accordance with the Heritage Conservation chapter of this Plan.
8.11 Streetscape
FRONT YARDPARKING FORLOW PROFILEHOUSING Council will limit the construction of parking spaces in the required front yards of dwellings, in order to protect the aesthetic character of older residential neighbourhoods, ensure the availability of on-street public parking, ensure unhampered pedestrian movement within the public right-of-way and prevent harm to boulevard trees.
8.12 Safety
8.12.1 Objectives
ENHANCE SAFETY To encourage designs which enhance a sense of personal safety and to reduce the opportunity of crime.
8.12.2 Policies
ACCESS ORIENTATION Council will encourage designs which provide access by:(a) providing people with a sense of direction while giving them some visible indication as to where access is encouraged or restricted;
9.3.4 Protection of Heritage Resources Council will protect heritage resources by:
DEMOLITION ORALTERATIONAPPROVAL b) Requiring any person who proposes to demolish or alter a designated heritage property to submit plans to Council for approval under the Ontario Heritage Act;
MODIFICATION APPROVAL c) Requiring that, prior to approval of any alteration, partial demolition, removal or change in use of a designated heritage property, the applicant demonstrate that the proposal will not adversely impact the heritage significance of the property and/or its Heritage Conservation District;
11.6.6 Minor Variance Policies
COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Council has appointed a Committee of Adjustment pursuant to the Planning Act to consider applications for minor variance from the Zoning By-law(s) and/or any other by-law that implements the Official Plan.
EVALUATION CRITERIA When reviewing an application for minor variance the Committee of Adjustment shall be satisfied that:(a) The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained;