could be mitigated in accordance with provincial standards, and where all of the following are demonstrated and achieved:


development and site alteration is carried out in accordance with

floodproofing standards, protection works standards, and access standards;


vehicles and people have a way of safely entering and exiting the area during

times of flooding, erosion and other emergencies;


new hazards are not created and existing hazards are not aggravated; and


no adverse environmental impacts will result.

Official Plan

The City’s Official Plan currently addresses second units, and it contains a number of objectives and policies that encourage a range of housing forms and tenures within neighbourhoods, selective infill and intensification of residential areas, and affordable housing options.

Chapters 3 (Development Strategy), 4 (Healthy Community), and 6 (Land Use) stress the importance of planning for range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods, which allows aging residents and residents with disabilities to remain in their neighbourhood.

Chapter 5 (Environmental Management) indicates that the floodplain boundary is determined in consultation with the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) and reiterates the PPS policies prohibiting developemtn within floodway and permitting development within portions of the floodplain subject to flood proofing measures.

Chapter 7 (Infrastructure) promotes measures that reduce demands on the sewage system and the risk of basement flooding.

Chapters 8 (Urban Design) and 9 (Heritage Conservation) limits modifications within older neighbourhoods and heritage areas to ensure there is no adverse impacts to the character or heritage significance of these areas.

Chapter 11 (Tools) provides a framework for the Committee of Adjustment to approve minor variances from the Zoning By-law provisions.

The addition of appropriate Additional Dwelling Unit policies and amendment of second unit policies would be consistent with the current Official Plan and policy directions set out as part of the on-going Official Plan Review. As part of the five-year Official Plan Review the City has identified creation of additional rental housing through accessory apartments as a means of meeting its affordable housing target.

Figure 2: Official Plan Excerpts




Safe, Caring and Diverse Community


Encouraging a range of housing types will ensure that people have an opportunity to live in their neighbourhoods