IV. That Administration BE AUTHORIZED to issue a Request for Proposals for insurance services in 2016 for the 2017 underwriting year, and to provide Ontario Municipal Insurance Exchange (OMEX) with notice by May 31, 2016 that the City may terminate its subscription with OMEX commencing January 1, 2017.

V. That Administration BE DIRECTED to report to Council with the results of the insurance RFP.

IV. That Administration BE AUTHORIZED to issue a Request for Proposals for insurance services in 2016 for the 2017 underwriting year, and to provide Ontario Municipal Insurance Exchange (OMEX) with notice by May 31, 2016 that the City may terminate its subscription with OMEX commencing January 1, 2017.

V. That Administration BE DIRECTED to report to Council with the results of the insurance RFP.


Agenda Item: C4

Report Number: 18119

Clerk’s File: MT/10869

Internal Distribution

Purchasing and Risk Management [Dana Paladino]

City Solicitor

Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer

External Distribution


Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Councillor Borrelli

Decision Number: CR92/2016

I. That the Executive Director of Parks BE AUTHORIZED to conduct public consultation regarding the sale of George Avenue Park to the Windsor Utilities Commission, subject to the retention of a permanent easement for use as parkland; and,

II. That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the Windsor Utilities Commission, suitable in technical content to the Manager of Real Estate Services, in financial content to the City Treasurer, and in legal content to the City Solicitor, pertaining to George Avenue Park, situated at the southeast corner of Wyandotte Street East and George Avenue, as follows:

Legal Description:

PIN 01097-0732: Part Lot 105, Concession 1 Sandwich East as in FC10266, FC8360, FC8250, FC8380 except Part 1, Plan 12R-8083 and Parts 1 to 3, Plan 12R-8164 S/T R1208064

PIN: 01097-0731: Part Lot 105 Concession 1 Sandwich East and more particularly described as Parts 1 and 2, Plan 12R-8164 S/T R1208065

Price: $512,000 plus HST as applicable.