
The Assumption Park shore protection along the Detroit River consists of two treatments, vertical sheet steel pile walls with railings and stepped armour stone block revetment open to the water.

The section of shore protection east of the Ambassador Bridge consists of 180 metres of stepped armour stone revetment. This section of the armour stone has experienced some differential settlement that has made the steps uneven and sloped toward the river. The high water and wave action has resulted in the steps being consistently wet.

In an abundance of caution, Parks Operations installed temporary fencing along the entire length of the armour stone steps to prevent the public from having direct access to the waters edge.

On July 22, 2019 City Council considered report CM25/2019 Assumption Park-Shorewall Protection (Appendix ‘B’) and provided the following CR360/2019:

“THAT the report of the Manager, Parks Development dated July 5, 2019 entitled Assumption Park-Shore Protection Ward 2 be Received “


A temporary fence installed in 2019 is in place along the stepped rock revetment in Assumption North Park. The water levels have receded slightly from record levels in 2019 however; they are projected to remain high.

A review of the stepped stone section of waterfront was part of the City of Windsor

Shoreline Inventory & Assessment Study completed in 2019 by Landmark Engineers.

The study identifies the following information regarding the section of shoreline in

Assumption North Park:

Pg. 11

w) Downtown Riverfront – Assumption Park/ Sculpture Gardens iv. Existing Shore protection

The existing shoreline consists of approximately 700 metres of heavy steel sheet pile wall, with approximately 180 metres of stepped rock at the west end of the site.

The stepped rock segment of the shoreline appears to be in generally good condition, although some intermittent vertical and horizontal displacement of the armour rock units was noted.