for passengers to hear Hours for the month=386.

cockpit conversations during future programming.

Volunteer July was a notable month with work almost being completed on the wireless operator’s station leaving only a couple items to work on before this section is complete. Final paint is done on the aileron control assembly under the pilot’s seat and it is installed. Both cockpit canopy pieces have been test fit on the cockpit after repairs and some modifications were made to the fit of the aft canopy hoops. The starboard trailing edge and flap assembly as well as the crew door have been painted. CH2A will need to fabricate or purchase several dozen special nuts required for installation of the wing tips. The CREW cannot finish re-skinning the starboard flap and trailing edge until the nuts have been acquired and installed. Volunteer Hours for the month=301.

In August, work continued on attaching the flap assembly to the starboard trailing edge. This was a complicated procedure as the six-flap control rods had to each be adjusted to the correct length to allow the flap trailing edge to lie flush with the wing edge. Once that was completed, riveting the new skins to the flap began. Work continued on preparing the pilot's platform for installation in the cockpit. There are several cable-and-chain assemblies requiring fabrication and then attached to the trim tower and control column before the platform can be installed.

Work began anew on the rear turret. The turret cupola and some other turret parts have arrived from the UK to Toronto and cleared customs. These parts as well as some other much-needed items from Nanton allow a nearly authentic turret. Thanks to the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Center at East Kirkby, UK and to BCMC in Nanton for their assistance in acquiring these parts. Volunteer Hours for the month=343.

September was a very busy month for events in the hangar and this pulled many away from working on the aircraft for several days. The pilot's platform has been installed in the cockpit and installing the (very complex) engine control column was begun. There are several cable-and-chain assemblies to be fabricated and/or sorted out on the control column before it can be completed.

Work also continued on the starboard trailing edge. The missing aileron parts have been sourced, which nearly completed that area of the assembly. The fabrication of wingtip bolts by Lee Valley will wrap up this sub-project.

Fabrication of the cockpit-ditching hatch began. This is a another very complex item constructed mostly of wood as well as some detailed hardware pieces that had to be made from scratch. The rear turret cupola and other turret parts have arrived from the UK and volunteers have begun assessing the condition of them, repairing damage and restoring them to usable condition. Items from Nanton should be onsite shortly, which will assist in re-creating a nearly complete rear turret. Thanks to the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Center at East Kirkby, UK and to BCMC in Nanton for their assistance in acquiring these parts. Volunteer Hours for the month=321.