Windsor’s climate projections and impacts to the community; identification of possible partnerships; as well as assessing community feedback and allowing the community an opportunity to have input into the final plan.

Following the public comment period, the final report and plan, Degrees of Change, will be brought back to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee and City Council for approval.

Risk Analysis:

The purpose of the redevelopment of the 2012 Climate Change Adaptation Plan was to review vulnerability and risks posed to the City of Windsor under the updated climate change projections for our area. In addition, city administration as well as the community gained an enhanced understanding of current and future climate impacts and how they could affect our community. This plan highlights the climate change risks identified by City of Windsor administration and the Community Task Force.

Financial Matters:

The development of this plan was funded through the FCM’s, Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (MCIP) Climate Adaptation Partner Grants. Minor expenses for Community engagement activities are funded through the Environmental Master Plan Operating budget. During the 90-day tabling of the report, additional public engagement costs of approximately $500 are expected. These expenses can be accommodated within the 2019 and 2020 Environmental Master Plan Operating Budget.


All City Departments

Essex Region Conservation Authority

Windsor-Essex County Health Unit

Community Adaptation Task Force - University of Windsor, St. Clair College, Windsor

Essex Catholic District School Board, Greater Essex County Public School Board,

Windsor Regional Hospital, County of Essex, Windsor Port Authority, Walpole Island

First Nations, Citizens Environment Alliance, Canada Red Cross, Union Gas, Essex

County Field Naturalists and Windsor Essex Community Housing.


As the level of government closest to the residents, municipalities have the unique ability to address climate change at the local level. Unfortunately, the City of Windsor has already experienced extreme precipitation events causing flooding, increases to the number of days above 30° C, expansion of vector borne diseases, and high water levels in the Detroit River/Lake St. Clair watershed. Degrees of Change develops actions to address the updated climate change projections as well as the impacts already being felt in the community.