Appendix A: Public Prioritization of Actions and Objectives as voted on at Public Engagement Sessions

Objective 1: Integrate Climate Change Thinking and Response Priority Action Vote totals Priority ObjectiveVote totals
Action 1.1 Making.Incorporate climate change considerations into Municipal Decision Incorporate climate change language into the City’s Official Plan  Integrate climate change considerations into Windsor's new and existingPlans and Policies, as well as Administrative and Consultant reports. 18 13
Action 1.2 Increase community level of knowledge on Climate Change.
  •  Enhance climate change education and awareness initiatives for Windsor residents and City staff;
  •  Collaborate with the University, College and local school boards to enhance climate change training and development;
  •  Engage with professional agencies to develop and enhance local climate change knowledge and experience;
  •  Continue to share relevant climate change data on Open Data Catalogue
  •  Investigate the creation of a City Lab in Windsor - an innovation hub bringing together students, academia and civic leaders to work towards climate action.
Action 1.3 Build financial support for unforeseen impacts of climate change  Develop a Municipal severe weather reserve fund to address funding deficits due to emergency response. 9
Action 1.4 Enhance the ability to collect and share climate change related data
  •  Leverage climate change data to be included in municipal decision making;
  •  Automate notifications and triggers to assist with adaptation actions;
  •  Use data to monitor the implementation of Degrees of Change;
  •  Share data to empower the community to support climate change planning;
  •  Use data to inform education campaigns.
Objective 2: Protect Public Health and Safety Priority Action Vote totals Priority ObjectiveVote totals
Action 2.1 Update Community Development and Health Services (CDHS) Emergency Response Plan  Conduct exercises to test opening emergency shelters in times of crisis;  Develop a notification system for the public on what to do and where to go in an emergency… 6 6
Action 2.2 events Develop an emergency response procedure for extreme flooding 18