4. Consideration of additional Off-Line Storage for Stormwater Under review The sewer modeling and sewer master plan currently underway will identify areas that may benefit from the addition of off-line storage. Off-line storage may also be part of the solution to deal with extreme rain fallevents. The sewer use master plan will identify areas of concern and will propose various actions that may mitigate the risks. One of these actions may include off-linestorage for stormwater.
5. Increase the Use of Flow Restrictors on Catch basins Progressing Flow restrictors on catch basins slow the flow of stormwater into the sewer system. The result can be ponding of stormwater on a roadway. Slowing the flow into the sewer can reduce the risk of basement flooding in combined sewer areas. Flow restrictors are often used to control runoff from a parking area and may have limited use on residential streets where temporary flooding of a roadway is preferred over the risk of basement flooding.
Catchbasins with goss gully traps were being piloted however, they were found to have operational challenges/constraints.
The City of Windsor maintains a map of catchbasin restrictors. The majority of restrictors are currently located on combined sewers in areas prone to basement flooding.
Continue to investigate alternative catchbasin restrictors.
Use the sewer use master plan once completed to identify additional areas that may benefit from the installation of catch basin restrictors.
6. Seal Manhole Covers Progressing Sealing manhole covers are best completed in low lying areas along sanitary sewers which are impacted by inflow of overland stormwater flows. In response to the risk ofoverland flooding from the Detroit River and Lake St. Clair in 2019, manhole covers were The Sewer Master Plan will outline future requirements for Sealing Manholes