This table outlines the estimated costs for the next steps for Priority Adaptation Actions.

Table 4: Priority 1 Adaptation Actions Next Step Costs

Priority 1AdaptationActions Next Steps ImmediateNext StepsCosts Funding Source
Sewer Master Plan Implementation of Sewer Master Plan For Council decision when plan presented Summer 2020 Project 7199004 –Sewer Master PlanImplementation
Urban Forestry Expansion of the Urban Forestry Management Plan to include Climate Change considerations For Council decision when presented in Fall 2020. Project 7131021 –Tree MaintenanceBacklog
Pilot Green Infrastructure Projects for residential scale (raingardens, infiltration trenches) Build and monitor green infrastructure in clay soils to determine effectiveness. $50,000 Project 7169001 – Flooding Abatement Measures (Subject to Future Approvals)
Education and Engagement Develop an education and engagement strategy and materials to support the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, which includes supports for the Sewer Master Plan and Stormwater Financing Study. $50,000 Project 7169001 – Flooding Abatement Measures (Subject to Future Approvals)
Total   $100,000  

Additional Funding Requirements

As outlined in this report, there are a significant number of initiatives that would be required to be actioned in the future to implement many of the ambitious climate change measures detailed herein. Therefore, Council should be aware that future operating and capital budgets will inevitably reflect increased requests in order to provide continued funding for the new Climate Change Reserve Fund as well as additional funding for other identified priority mitigation and adaptation actions items. As always, City Council will need to consider these requests in conjunction with all other master plans